Monday, February 24, 2014

What's a Hosebun good for?

"The Best Hose Suspension In The World" is what they make at Hosebun.  We're not sure where the name comes from but we know what they're good for!

If your organization utilizes high value transfer hoses to carry critical process fluids from operation to operation or you haul chemicals or oil by truck or rail, you know a hose leak can spell trouble.  Check out the various "funky widgets" that the good people at Hosebun have come up with to save the day.


Thursday, February 20, 2014

Configurator may not be a real word but it sure is a powerful tool!


The REOTEMP Online Product Configurators are powerful tools that make specifying pressure & temperature instrumentation quick & easy. Now you can create part #’s, see list pricing, & generate custom engineering drawings in seconds at REOTEMP!
Watch the brief demo on it works then try it out for yourself.  If you build something you can't wait to buy, let us know so we can offer you our deep Peerless discount on list prices you'll see online.  

 Click to save

REOTEMP is a globally recognized ISO 9001-2008 manufacturer of temperature and pressure instrumentation, providing bimetal thermometers, pressure gauges, diaphragm seals, RTDs, thermocouples, pressure transmitters, compost thermometers, and related accessories to a variety of process markets worldwide.   

Funky Widgets

At Peerless we're always on the hunt  for the latest and greatest in process components, tools & services that have the potential to enhance your life in industry.  We like to call the items we discover "the widgets" and we call the best ones we find "funky!"  Our marketing team got together recently and decided that our funky widgets shouldn't be kept a secret and decided to start this blog as a way to share.

You see, we Peerlessians think that the real, tangible widgets we care about can be just as cool as the widgets you'll find in an App Store! 

Industry and Manufacturing is cool...and the funky widgets we'll share with you here are proof!